Grieving, Together:
an online 6-week community healing space for moms whose children are with us in Spirit

You’ve experience a loss and it cracked you open; you’ve come undone and find yourself floating between the specifics of your postpartum grief journey and other things from your present and past that are now resurfacing.

It probably feels like a lot. Maybe even like too much.
You feel alone in grappling with it.
You’re not sure you trust your body and yourself anymore.

You feel a pull to hold onto your spirit-child while everyone else seems to have moved on. If only other people could understand and help you learn to be a Mom to a Spirit-child, to trust yourself as ‘Mother’ in your current or future family….

You aren’t alone and you deserve the support you long for.

This 6 week healing space opens the door for processing your grief, including postpartum- specific bereavement , in community with other Moms who get it.

We know that once we’ve experience a loss we can never go back, so this program is not about feeling ‘better’.

  • It will leave you feeling supported, understood, and not alone.
  • It will give you inner clarity and restore your relationship with yourself.
  • We’ll help you find your way to share and celebrate your story.

You’ll leave feeling more confident and prepared to ride the waves of grief, life, and motherhood-after-a-loss.

Through non-denominational ritual and holistic mind-body-soul tools, we’ll integrate your new normal into your new wholeness.

New offerings coming in 2022. Join the waiting list by clicking below.

Meet Your Facilitators

I’m Jessica (Jessie) Johnson; birth, postpartum, and bereavement doula.

I’m also the mom to three spirit-children and two earth-bound children. I have traveled the journey of grief and loss. I was cracked wide open and was made to face my sadness, my grief and all the other things it stirred up along the way head on. I felt alone at times, isolated, and misunderstood. It was in that moment that I decided I never wanted other women to feel alone in their bereavement journey.

I received my Bereavement Certification in 2018 after my second loss. My focus is to provide education, empowerment, love, and understanding to your journey.

I am a guide. I am here to help you navigate and educate you on the changes your body is going through after the birth of your spirit-child. I walk you through the processing piece of your loss. I give you tools to add to your toolbox to help along your journey. All while, providing you a safe space to feel connected, to feel understood, and surrounding by love and compassion. A safe place where you do not have to feel alone.

I’m looking forward to being your guide during your journey and transformation.

You can find out more about me at

I’m Kate Powell; an empath, yogi, and energy medicine practitioner. 

I’ve hit that point of coming undone, of feeling lost and unable to continue. And I know that those moments tend to stir it all up. 

That’s where I come in. 

My modality happens at the level of the nervous system, the level of the energy that animates your body – a language your bones recognize as home. It’s also where the old stuff that resurfaces in times of upheaval is stored – which means we can get to the root of it and let it return to the past… this time to stay there; leaving you finally free to grow forward.

My clients, often after many years of therapy and healing in other modalities, endorse me as the thing that took it all to the next level; the previously missing piece that made all the difference.

I can’t wait to be with you in your grief, your transformation, and your freedom.

You can find out more about me at and more about energetic medicine at


What was a powerful moment for you during the series?
“Witnessing everyone’s stories and feeling connected to their energy”
“To connect with other women who experienced loss and could on some level understand the pain and grief that comes with that.”
Feedback provided from past series participants

What has shifted for you after going through the series?
“I’m more comfortable in my grief and speaking about it.”
“I feel a little lighter”

Feedback provided from past series participants

A way to be guided in healing your grief”  – L.C.

“Women supporting women. Bereavement can be such a heavy painful topic and it was really nice to feel like I was sitting with women who could understand my struggle. It was comforting in a sense to know I wasn’t the only one who had ever thought or felt that. It also helped me have a new perspective on it. But it was also really nice to get to laugh and just talk with everyone before and to be silly at the end.”  – S.M.

 “A safe space to come together with others who have experienced loss with professionals who help you work through what you are sharing – I liked the opportunity to get to share with a group.  I’ve never done anything like that before in regards to my miscarriages. I like the breathing and focused thinking. I loved the dancing at the end!  It was joyful and fun and I hadn’t done anything like that in a while.  It made me feel more connected even though I was mostly off camera.”  – A